Happy 95th Birthday Fortnightly

The mystery that has kept it’s members in private through most of its long history, finally broke when the decision was made to bring all the clubs together for a celebration of the founding of Fortnightly, a book and social club for women. At the April 9 reception, Wendy Wolfe Rodrigue Magnus presented an enthrawling book review from her book “The Other Side of the Painting” combined with an enlighting expose on the late George Rodrigue. The book was started before her husband’s illness that led to his death in 2013. Each member attending was presented with a copy of her book.

“We had so much fun and are so proud of the legacy — 12 Fortnightly clubs, which all began in 1924 with just an idea of five ladies — Lillian Voorhies Barrow, Henrietta Russell Courts, Bessie Bouman Kyle, Yvonne Arnandez Patout Southwell and Roberta Burke Voorhies,” said Lettie Latiolais, president of The Fortnightly, the original and oldest group celebrating its 95 years of sisterhood.

At the conclusion of the program, before refreshments, The Fortnightly presented Rodrigue Magnus with an appreciation gift bag of Louisiana products and a beautiful hand made blue bottle windchime made by one of the members Suzi Thornton. One was also presented to Azalea Estates etched with a butterfly in appreciation for the use of the facility. Rodrigue Magnus and Chris Wiseman presented each club president with a Bluedog pin. Four book door prizes, published by members Janet Faulk-Gonzales, Diane Moore and Victoria Sullivan, were presented including one to Carolyn Lewald as the oldest Fortnightly member at 98. Buggie Bailey, president of Franklin Fortnightly III, received a book as head of the club with the most members in attendance, 14. Norma Lester traveled 196 miles from Coushatta to attend and Olive Menville from Denham Springs. Both received a book for traveling to the celebration.