LWF commission adopts NOI to expand recreational and commercial shark harvest

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission passed a Notice of Intent (NOI) to eliminate the 54-inch recreational size and bag/vessel limits for Blacktip and Bull Sharks in state waters. They also increased the allowable daily commercial harvest from 45 to 55 sharks per trip in the Large Coastal species group.

The LDWF presented the following rationale to aid the Commissioners with their decision:

Current shark limits were established when these populations were being overfished and declining with no stock assessments available.

Blacktip and Bull Shark populations are rebounding and expanding

Encounters and depredation are becoming more numerous.

“We would like to thank the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission for passing this NOI; as species rebuild, we owe it to the sportsmen of Louisiana to provide additional harvest opportunities back to our anglers,” said Madison Sheahan, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Additionally, the proposed rule prohibits the retention of Shortfin Mako sharks in both recreational and commercial fisheries and provides secretarial authority to adjust commercial trip limits as deemed necessary.

Interested persons may submit written comments relative to the proposed rule to Jason Adriance, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000, or via e-mail to jadriance@wlf.la.gov by November 7, 2024.