What’s Appening: Healthy Brain

By Gail Suberbielle



Keep your brain sharp with this great “brain training” app that offers a variety of brain games that let users work on memory, listening, and other skills. Activities include reading comprehension, math skills, estimation and writing skills, in a series of short games. One key feature we like is that the app keeps track of users’ progress and adapts as you go along. With more than 25 games, a workout calendar, and performance tracking, Elevate both entertains and educates. Cost: Free, with premium upgrades available.

Fits Brain Trainer®


We all know Rosetta Stone for its popular approach to learning languages. Fits Brain Trainer is one of Rosetta Stone’s latest forays, this one into the brain training arena. Featuring more than 24 brain games and 360 “workout sessions,” Fits Brain Trainer has games like Visual-Spatial Skills, Memory, Processing Speed and Problem Solving. Users can keep track of their own performance with a scoring system that also allows them to compare themselves to same-age or gender users. Cost: Free.