3 Things to know about Monday’s Flag Day ceremony

Bouligny Plaza is sure to be full of patriots Monday afternoon as the Iberia Veterans Association gets prepared to hold its annual flag day ceremony.

The ceremony will mark the second event that the Iberia Veterans Association has held with the recently instlaled veteran’s memorial at the back of Bouligny Plaza. The event was not held in 2020 because of COVID-19.

For those interested in the event but may not know where to go and what to do, here are three things to know about Flag Day in New Iberia:

1. Honoring the Flag — As the name suggests, Flag day was created in 1916 by President Woodrew Wilson establishing Flag Day as a tribute to the American flag. The non-federal holiday commemorates a resolution made on June, 14, 1777, by the Second Continental Congress adopted the original flag for the country.

2. Veterans Abound — The Iberia Veterans Association makes a yearly push to hold a small ceremony at Bouligny Plaza in celebration of Flag Day. The event regularly features speeches, volley salutes, military style marches and plenty more for those who want to honor America’s flag in a ceremonial way.

3. Something New — Following a year- long break due to COVID-19, the IVA is ready to put the event on again, and marks the second instance of the IVA holding an event this year. The first event was the Memorial Day ceremonial held earlier this month, and also functioned as a welcome for a new veteran’s monument in Bouligny Plaza.