Parish Council approves paying $400,000 to relocate lift station to Acadiana Regional Airport
The Iberia Parish Council approved paying more than $400,000 to relocate a lift station from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette to Hangar Drive at the Acadiana Regional Airport on Wednesday night.
The project, which was called a “major win” by Iberia Sewerage District No. 1 Director Brad Cradeur, was amended to include funds from the American Rescue Plan Act for sewerage improvement to the airport.
“We’ve gone over a plan of action and long-term plan for the sewer district,” Cradeur said at the meeting. “This is a big win if we can move this lift station to Hangar Drive to allow future businesses to come to the airbase.
“It’s something that should have been done years prior, but I want to be prepared for the future of Iberia Parish and let businesses know that if you bring your finances here we’re going to support you,” he added.
The resolution was approved by all of the Iberia Parish Council with the exception of Councilwoman Natalie Broussard, who said that she refuses to vote for ARPA-funded projects until a master plan is created to show the full scope of what parish government decides to do with the $14 million.
“I’m going to sound like a broken record, but I am not in favor of spending ARPA dollars until we have a master plan on how we spend the money,” Broussard said.
Cradeur agreed with Broussard, and said that he would like nothing more than to sit down with other departmental directors to coordinate ARPA funding.
“I think we need a united front of sewer, broadband and water to produce projects together,” he said. “That’s how we move this parish forward.”
Parish President Larry Richard said that the administration has been keeping track of the ARPA funding, which would primarily be going toward water, sewer and broadband.
“You can use these funds for different things but I want to make sure we stick to water, sewer and broadband,” Richard said. “When we finish all of this my deal will be to look into doing roads after that, so we’re all going to have a conversation.”