Drainage work gets underway

Drainage work in Iberia Parish continues to make progress after a comprehensive analysis by an engineering firm, according to Iberia Parish President Larry Richard. 

• Last year, Iberia Parish Government engaged a firm for a comprehensive analysis on drainage in the parish. From that study, Richard said priorities were determined, and projects on the drainage structures have either begun or are in planning phases. 

Examples include the Segura Branch Canal, where 1.43 miles of the channel have been cleaned; Peebles Canal slash busting, where 4.32 miles have been cleaned at 97 percent completion and Commercial Canal slash busting, where 2.52 miles have been completed. 

“I am especially pleased to tell you that Iberia Parish, along with several other parishes, have been working through the Acadiana Planning Commission on a regional drainage plan,” Richard said. “This plan is to address drainage on a regional basis through projects that help each parish by not only improving local drainage but also assist in improving drainage in adjacent parishes without causing flooding problems downstream.”

Wednesday, Richard said he met with other parish presidents and decided on which projects would be funded. Gov. John Bel Edwards allocated $25 million in hazardous mitigation funds to the project, with Iberia Parish being awarded $5.3 million for projects that fit with projects in Lafayette and Vermilion parishes. 

“In other words, the concept of regional drainage work is becoming a reality,” Richard said.

The cooperation between Lafayette, Vermilion and Iberia Parish will prove to provide significant reductions of flood damage to many residences within all three parishes, which Richard cited as an example of how government should work.  

The proposed projects involve Bayou Parc Perdu regional detention and improvements at Lake Peigneur. The conceptual project includes the implementation of detention ponds adjacent and connected to the lower reach of Bayou Parc Perdu in Iberia Parish and increasing capacity of the entrance of Bayou Parc Perdu at Lake Peigneur. 

Richard said the purpose for the project is to aid in lowering water levels within Bayou Parc Perdu during significant storm events to help in mitigating potential flooding of properties within the parish as well as to provide a more efficient drainage outfall to the lower regions of south Lafayette Parish and portions of Vermilion Parish. 

The project, along with similar detention improvements being proposed by the City of Youngsville, is expected to significantly improve Bayou Parc Perdu’s ability to provide drainage benefits across three parishes to include Iberia, Lafayette and Vermilion parishes.

• A formal presentation was made to the Iberia Parish Government Finance Committee by Richard and architect Paul Allain on the proposed Iberia Parish Public Works facility located on Louisiana 182.

The Iberia Parish Government Finance Committee has voted in support of the proposed budget for renovations to the existing Dutch Gosnell property. The proposed budget will next be presented to the Iberia Parish Council.

Richard said the site is located logistically in the center of Iberia Parish allowing convenient access to service the public works needs of the area and enabling the department to bring public safety needs to the parish in an efficient manner. 

The overall goal of the 36,000-square-foot complex will be to create a state-of-the-art operational facility that can support administrative offices, a training room, maintenance shop areas, equipment storage, an equipment wash building, a sandbag facility and a sign shop. 

“The Iberia Parish Government’s commitment to provide in-kind services on this project will ensure that public dollars go further,” Richard said.

The project will be phased into two parts in order to place the project into service in a timely manner. The first phase of the project will include securing the site with perimeter fencing, cameras, site drainage improvements, resurfacing of drives and parking and properly illuminating the site.

Access control will be installed in order to encourage and control public interaction and safety. Existing office areas will be completely renovated to meet current building code standards, and the critical sections of the building’s envelope will be restored.

The second phase of the project will be to complete the upgrade to the building’s envelope and provide supplemental exterior covered parking on site. Drives and parking will be upgraded to hard surfacing as needed.