New school district logo and branding campaign unveiled
Iberia Parish Superintendent of Schools Carey Laviolette revealed a new logo and branding campaign to the Iberia Parish School Board that the administration hopes will better tell the story of the district.
Laviolette’s administration unveiled a new logo at the administrative office on Jane Street Wednesday that replaced a logo that had been in use by the district since the 1980s, and was designed by a Loreauville student Ricky Muniz.
Laviolette said Muniz, who works in graphic design professionally, reached out to the school district in 2015 to see about updating the logo he had designed decades ago for the IPSD.
“He upgraded the look of it but more time has gone by and we are in the process of updating and reformatting our website and we wanted to tell our story,” Laviolette said. “We’ve been working long and hard with Promotional Images to give an updated logo.”
The new logo gives a nod to Iberia Parish’s sugar industry, including a tagline of “Growing Great Minds.”
The district has also been at work with a video campaign to highlight the Iberia Parish School District’s culture and story to the public, which was also unveiled during Wednesday’s meeting.
In other business, a resolution to authorize the superintendent to proceed with business related to bidding out prices of the former Park Elementary building failed during the meeting.
Legal counsel Wayne Landry asked the board to introduce the resolution at the meeting, which was not part of the agenda.
Landry said the city of New Iberia had reached out to the school district about the property. Advertising for bids was the next part of the process, but Landry asked the board to submit a resolution at the meeting in time for the upcoming legislative session.
The resolution required a unanimous second to be added to the agenda, which failed when board member Elvin Pradia cast the sole dissenting vote.