Julia Irene Smith Corley

Julia Irene Smith Corley passed away at the age of 64 of natural causes on Monday, July 30, 2018, at 5:40 p.m. at her residence in New Iberia. 

Julia moved to New Iberia from Mobile, Alabama to live with her aunt Evelyn Merle Smith Corley and her husband, L.D. Corley. She was adopted by the Corley family when she had her 15th birthday. Julia graduated from New Iberia Senior High School and attended University of Southwestern Louisiana. Julia pursued a profession in law as a secretary and then as a paralegal for 40 years. Julia was retired at the time of her death. 

She is survived by her sister Ms. Linda Joyce Smith Holsomback; her brother Mr. Harald Thomas Smith Jr.; and a brother Mr. Hollie Emile Corley.

She was preceded in death by her biological parents, Harald Thomas Smith and Mrs. Julia Lenora Brown Smith; as well as her adoptive parents, L.D. Corley and Evelyn Merle Smith Corley.

A memorial service will be announced in the future.

You can sign our guest book and offer condolences at davidfuneralhome.org. 

David Funeral Home of New Iberia, 1101 Trotter St., is handling the arrangements and you can reach us at 369-6336.