Felicite’s Landing construction ongoing
Construction work on the upcoming Felicite’s Landing near Bouligny Plaza is continuing at the scheduled pace.
Work on the landing will provide direct boater access to downtown Main Street for boaters on the Bayou Teche.
The project comes shortly after the substantial completion of the Civic Center Marina just a few miles down the road behind City Hall, where the largest docking facility in New Iberia was recently finished.
Felicite’s Landing will not only provide more direct access to downtown, but will also provide the opportunity for boat tours. Mayor Freddie DeCourt has said that he is working with prospective tour ships to make use of the landing once it is completed.
City official have said the landing will allow for transient boats entering the southern belt of the Intercoastal Waterway to have a safe harbor to moor. The construction of Félicité’s Landing will accommodate recreational boat owners (both tourists and locals) wanting to attend the variety of special events held downtown in Bouligny Plaza.
Upcoming work will also be happening across the street from the future landing. Bidding is expected to begin next month for the construction of a permanent stage at the Steamboat Warehouse Pavilion along with bathrooms for Bouligny Plaza.