LETTER TO THE EDITOR: It’s not just the worst of the worst who are destined for hell
The editorial cartoon which appeared on 8/13 caught my attention. The idea of Jeffrey Epstein in hell provides some sense of justice but the caption stating ONLY men like the late Epstein will be cast into the never-ending lake of fire is in error. I would be remiss if I told you that the only ones in hell will be people like Jeffrey Epstein. Since I speak as a sinner saved by the grace of the gift of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and rising from the dead, I must stand firm in my belief that Christ is the only way, truth and life. (John 14:6) No one gets to heaven without Him. (Romans 6:23 and 10:9)
I realize this may not be politically correct, but I don’t want your readers to rely on false hope that only the worst of the worst are destined for the hellfire and torment promised in 20th chapter of Revelation. While I’d rather emphasize the positive of belief and the joy that comes with it, rejection of the truth about Jesus Christ is a dangerous risk with eternal consequences.
Will Grubbs
New Iberia