Letter from the Editor
The Important Things
Money is so much fun to think about, isn’t it? Imagining where to spend it, learning how to save it – planning, scheming, dreaming. This month, in our second annual Money Issue, we get to do all of that and more!
Everyone interacts with money differently, but we approached this issue from the standpoint of pure, unapologetic fun. We understand the way your heart flutters just a bit when your eye catches that piece of art that speaks to you. We’ve experienced that feeling of joy you get from finding a new restaurant that hits your senses in all the right places. We know how your home perks up when you finally find that new statement piece. From our “super-extra” cover design to the different ways you can splurge in Acadiana, to a sliding scale of interior decor, the issue is an ode to spending simply for fun.
We are always mindful to embrace a spirit of fun while keeping in perspective the relativity of possessions to life’s bigger issues, but nothing brought us back to that notion faster than the tornado that hit New Iberia on December 14. While the city was fortunate to have escaped the event without major injuries or fatalities, there were families and businesses that, just before Christmas, had to begin the long process of rebuilding their lives.
As we partake in a good splurge every now and again, as we shop in support of our local merchants, and as we enjoy the gifts we received from Christma, we are reminded to (yes!) embrace the fun of it all, but also remember the important things.
Wishing each of you a prosperous and safe new year!