Positively Iberia! brings a “A Life and Legacy Visit with Wendy Rodrigue” to listeners Thursday, Oct. 28

Wendy Rodrigue, widow of famed artist and New Iberia native George Rodrigue, will join the Positively Iberia weekly radio broadcast on Thursday, Oct. 28, in a call from the Rodrigue Room at her home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Rodrigue is preparing to relaunch her Life and Legacy Foundation’s art education tour and plans to visit Catholic High in New Iberia in November as part of the tour.

“I’m very excited to finally see this happen; and to celebrate my (Foundation’s) 100th school visit (in mid-November) at George’s alma mater, Catholic High! See you soon, New Iberia! 💙.” During the 30-minute radio segment, hosted by Marti Harrell, Positively Iberia’s producer/program manager, Wendy plans to share George’s reminiscences about growing up in New Iberia, her memories of life with George, his works including his Blue Dog series and her plans for the tour.

Positively Iberia! airs live during Teche Matters on KANE 107.5 FM/AM 1240 during the 10 a.m. hour every Thursday. Those outside of the broadcast area can live stream audio at www.kane1240.com; via the TuneIn app or ask their smart-speaker to “play K.A.N.E.” Details can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/997659554424201

Positively Iberia!is an initiative of the Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce and is an ongoing, weekly, multimedia campaign with a simple mission — to boost Iberia Parish’s profile and reputation, according to a prepared statement Launched on Oct. 1, 2019, it features interviews on the events, activities, businesses, and personalities that make the region uniquely home, open for business, and fun for visitors. Positively Iberia is dedicated to covering the cultural and business diversity and inclusivity of Iberia parish by bringing stories from throughout the entire parish. For more information, visit the website: www.iberiachamber.org/positivelyiberia, follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/positivelyiberia or Twitter- www.twitter.com/positivelyiber1 or call the Chamber at 337-364-1836. Positively Iberia is made possible by support from legacy underwriter, The First National Bank of Jeanerette.