Early voting continues through Saturday
Published 12:03 pm Friday, March 21, 2025
There’s still time to early vote for the March 29 election, with early voting in Iberia Parish ending Saturday.
Ballot items will include a proposition to provide for disciplinary proceedings over attorneys and to create courts of limited jurisdiction. If approved, the amendment will grant the Louisiana Supreme Court jurisdiction to discipline out-of-state lawyers for unethical legal practices in Louisiana, as well as grant the Legislature the authority to establish trial courts of limited and specialized jurisdiction.
The most impactful proposition will be CA 2, which would amount to one of the largest revisions to the Louisiana Constitution in decades if passed.
If approved, the amendment will take on several different aspects of state government. It will lower the rate of income tax, increase income tax deductions for citizens over 65, provide for a government growth limit, modify the operation of certain constitutional funds, provide for property tax exemptions retaining the homestead exemption and exemption for religious organizations, provide a permanent teacher salary increase by requiring a surplus payment to teacher retirement debt and make other modifications.
Another proposition aims at juvenile reform. CA 3 will grant the Legislature the authority to determine which felony crimes, when committed by a person under the age of 17, may be transferred for criminal prosecution as an adult if approved.
Several local ballot items will be up for Iberia Parish residents to consider as well.
A renewal of the Iberia Parish Library System’s 4.50 property tax millage will once again be up for consideration after the library failed to garner the votes for a millage renewal last year. The millage is the main source of income for the library, and library leaders say the library will be severely threatened if the measure does not pass.
A 3.50 mills tax for Iberia Parish Fire District No. 1 will also be on the ballot for the election. The 10-year tax is estimated to generate $1.4 million annually and will be dedicated to maintaining and improving fire protection facilities and equipment.
In the City of New Iberia, residents will also be voting on a quarter-cent sales tax for the New Iberia Fire Department. Firefighters in the city department say the tax will only be used for personnel salaries.
Early voting takes place until Saturday during operating hours. To early vote, you can head to the Iberia Registrar of Voters office or Jeanerette City Hall.